Fruit aficionados believe that the Galia melon originated from India, an ingenuous hybrid of their more established, big-hitting elders, the Cantaloupe and the Honeydew. Â As one might hope, the Galia is a fantastically fragrant and sweet marriage of two succulent fruit bowl heavyweights that works particularly well in tandem with berries, citrus, lemon & mint.Packed with vitamins A&C potassium, calcium, iron and dietary fibre, our Galia melons are well-equipped to reduce bad cholesterol.
Fruit aficionados believe that the Galia melon originated from India, an ingenuous hybrid of their more established, big-hitting elders, the Cantaloupe and the Honeydew. As one might hope, the Galia is a fantastically fragrant and sweet marriage of two succulent fruit bowl heavyweights that works particularly well in tandem with berries, citrus, lemon & mint. Packed with vitamins A&C potassium, calcium, iron and dietary fibre, our Galia melons are well-equipped to reduce bad cholesterol. OrganicSuitable for vegetarians Product life guaranteed for 2 days excluding delivery day. A Galia melons outer husk is very similar to the pattern and texture of a Cantaloupe, but it is much smaller in size and has pale green flesh, much like Honeydew melons. Taste-wise, it's a sweet, refreshing combination of the two. You can tell when a Galia melon is ripe simply by sniffing it; it should smell very fragrant and sweet. A ripe Galia melon is best eaten raw as is. Simply chop up and toss into salads, juices or smoothies. Try this smoothie combination: 2 cups of chopped Galia melon, a handful of mint, the juice and zest of 1 lime, and honey to taste. Besides using Galia melons in sweet dishes or drinks, try combining them with savoury cured meats. Sweet melon and salty Parma ham is a classic Italian appetiser; We also like making a more substantial salad out of the two with some added rocket and toasted pine nuts.Product information
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